Friday, October 1, 2021

Deacon Ray Kroger: Requiescat in pace

 I was saddened to learn this morning of the passing of my friend and fellow worker in the "Carpenter's Union," Deacon Ray Kroger into eternity. I never had the chance to know Ray as an active deacon or serve with him at the altar. Since I met him a little over four years ago, he has been in senior status, which brings me to my first point of comfort. Deacon Ray was an excellent example to me of patient suffering. He was always joyful and always in good humor every time I saw him, which was most days, as he was a daily communicant. His joy and humor were amazing because his hunched over body and nearly inaudible voice told a different story. As he declined in health, I never heard any complaints but only quiet words of joy and his quick wit.

Since I am in Spain on sabbatical, I am saddened that I did not get to visit with Deacon Ray in his last days of life here on earth, and I will not be able to participate in his funeral. But this brings me to my second point of comfort: the Communion of Saints. Even though we are separated by thousands of miles and the Atlantic Ocean, neither the miles nor the ocean nor even death can keep us from the charity of Jesus Christ. Since Jesus conquered death in his Resurrection he showed that he is stronger than death. And since He is not limited by time or space, or even death, Deacon Ray and I are still able to pray for each other and I can offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the repose of his soul and the comfort of his family on a different continent. Requiescat in pace.


  1. What a beautiful testimony to Deacon Ray's life. What a comfort to know you will be praying for Deacon Ray and family, and offering Holy Sacrifice of Mass for him from afar.

  2. Thank you Padre ! Beautiful tribute to Deacon Ray and his faith and our spiritual connectivity. God bless.
