Sunday, November 21, 2021

Cathedrals of Spain's Mediterranean Coat

The Basilica of Sagrada Familia (Holy Family) is in the news once again as its newest feature alters Barcelona's skyline.

I was blessed with the fortune of being able to visit this magnificent basilica which has been under construction for over a hundred years:

As magnificent as Sagrada Familia is, I have to admit the Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Saint Eulalia was my favorite between the two. Here is a selfie I took of the outside:

And here is a shot of the inside:

Just when I though the tour was over, I went out this door which open to a courtyard surrounded by about a dozen side altars. Yes, those are ducks in the lower left hand corner:

Valencia is the other city I visited on the Mediterranean. There was construction both inside and outside the cathedral, so the pictures you find on the internet will be better than the ones I took. Here is a shot of the Blessed Sacrament chapel where I was blessed to offer holy Mass:

Finally, I took a stroll on the beach in Valencia and came across the coolest Burger King I have ever seen:

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