Sunday, August 25, 2024

Don't be afraid of John 6

 "Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”

These are St. Peter’s words after many of Jesus’ disciples left him because of his “hard saying” on the Eucharist.

The creators of The Chosen, like many Protestants, skipped over John Chapter 6 and had St. Peter say these fateful words as Jesus was about to head into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.

They are certainly free to make their show however they want.

Since the series skipped John Chapter 6, it was moving to see Jonathan Roumie perform a dramatic reading of the later verses of the chapter on stage at the National Eucharistic Congress in July with the Middle Eastern accent he uses on the show.

He thanked the crowd for their attention as he would not have the opportunity to perform these pivotal words otherwise. Check out the full speech here:

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